Children’s Book: Guide for Lonely kids

Children’s Book: Guide for Lonely kids

Guide for Lonely Kids by Christy Lynn AnanaCheck out the latest book layout and cover I created for Christy Lynn Anana’s  book, “Guide for Lonely Kids.” This captivating piece is the fourth book in the  “I Am Healing” book series on Amazon.

Each vibrant page is a blend of two to five meticulously crafted images, courtesy of the MidJourney AI program. With the assistance of this cutting-edge technology, I was able to curate scenes tailored to my specifications. While AI is still new, it does an amazing job with most prompt requests.

Even with the remarkable capabilities of AI, it still required hours of effort to bring these images to life. Meticulous fine-tuning was required for every page in Photoshop.

It’s worth noting that the use of AI was to keep the costs low compared to either hiring an artist (about $2000-$5000) or searching for the exact images in a specific watercolor style, which would have been a frustrating and timely process.

By using AI and Photoshop, this project was produced below normal cost, and I and the author are quite pleased with the result.

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